Fleet Safety International is committed to protecting all employees, contractors, and sub-contractors. This commitment is the foundation of all we do and is reflected in the service we provide.

The management of, Fleet Safety International is committed to providing a work environment in which all workers and clients are as safe as possible. We will do so by meeting or exceeding all AHS standards pertaining to any epidemic or pandemic.

Fleet Safety International is committed to eliminating or if that is not reasonably practical, possibly controlling the work environment practices and procedures. Everyone is obligated to uphold this policy and to work together to prevent the spread of any epidemic or pandemic in the workplace.

We also encourage all staff members to remain up to date with developments related to epidemic or pandemics.

COVID 19 – As of October 31, 2021, all employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Fleet Safety International must be double vaccinated for COVID 19 and show their commitment by providing proof of this.


1. Any individuals who have any viral symptom, such as but not limited to a cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat (that is not related to a pre-existing illness or health condition) to be in isolation for 5 days from the start of symptoms. Workers will not come to work or return to work until you have no symptoms, or your symptoms are improving. You should wear a mask for an additional 5 days after leaving isolation to keep yourself and others safe.

  • Workers with these symptoms will not come to work.
  • These requirements must be followed regardless of whether or not you have been tested.
  • Any employee that does come to work showing any of the above symptoms, or who becomes sick while at work will be asked to leave and begin isolation at home. Once the employee has left all surface’s they may have been in contact with must be cleaned and disinfected.
  • Fleet Safety International will record the names of all close contacts the sick worker has been in close contact within 3 days as this information may be necessary if the worker or client later tests positive for any infection, epidemic, or pandemic occurrence.


  • All employees will have access to proper PPE:

    o Masks (See The 4D’s of Cloth & Disposable Mask Safety)

    o Disinfectant wipes (which are available at the office and track locations)

    o Hand sanitizer (which is available at the office and track locations)

    If you see any location running out of any of these please contact management or your Health and Safety Committee to have them replenished.
  • Fleet Safety International staff and students of, will have the availability to use a mask, hand sanitizer and disinfection wipes if required by a client or if the student and/or staff member wishes to use these items for their own safety.
  • Students and/or staff members may use the hand sanitizer at the hand sanitizing station.

COVID 19 – As of October 31, 2021 – All employees, contractors, and sub-contractors of Fleet Safety International must be double vaccinate for COVID 19 and show their commitment by providing proof of this.


  • All employees must report for work fit for duty as outlined in our health and safety manual. Any employee showing cold, flu or COVID like symptoms must not be in the workplace and should isolate immediately contact management so a replacement can be found. All clients will be expected to follow the same rules as employees with regards to fit for duty.


  • All employees are encouraged to wash their hands often with soap and water or with hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol or greater content.
  • Practice good respiratory etiquette buy sneezing or coughing into your elbow and disposing of used tissues into the trash.
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, or mouth always.
  • (See Amendment 4) How to Wash Hands
  • (See Amendment 5) Alcohol Based Hand Rub


  • Remember to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
  • Fleet Safety International staff and students of, will have the availability to use a mask, hand sanitizer and disinfection wipes if required by a client or if the student and/or staff member wish to use these items for their own safety during the driving portion of our courses.
  • Fleet Safety International staff and students of, will have the availability to use a mask, hand sanitizer and disinfection wipes if required by a client or if the student and/or staff member wish to use these items for their own safety during the driving portion of our courses.
  • Disinfecting wipes are available to wipe down touch areas, ie vehicle dash, steering wheel, door handles, keys, etc.

If you require any clarification on any of the information above, please contact your health and safety committee or management by email or phone.