Annual Meeting
Health and Safety Agenda
1. Company update – Randy Flemmer
2. Health and Safety Manual changes:
a. ERP
b. Worksite Hazard Assessment Form
c. Quarterly Inspection Form
d. PPE
3. Health and Safety Manual Website – Manual, Newsletters, OHS Newsletter, Health and Safety Meeting agenda and minutes
4. Fire Drill (blow horn) Break
5. Worksite Hazard Assessment Form Discussion:
a. Go through Deficiency/Hazard Terminology
b. Instructor / student interaction
i. Violence and Harassment
ii. Instructors changing students
iii. Student Complaints
c. General discussion on:
i. Slips, trips, and falls
ii. Violence and Harassment
iii. Right to Refuse Work
6. COR Questions – Tom, Wade, Bob
7. Hazard assessments and controls – general comments
8. Hazard assessment and controls – split into groups and go through
9. Discussion on how to contact H&S members
10. Questions, Concerns, etc.