Topics for discussion.

1; Facility Inspection.

2; Review Minutes of November 22, 2022 meeting.

3; Review COR Audit.

4; OH&S Codes – upcoming changes.

5; Road trips – discussion.

6; Near misses.

New Business:

Set date for next FSI Safety Meeting: April 4, 2023___________________

Annual Meeting

Health and Safety Agenda

1. Company update – Randy Flemmer

2. Health and Safety Manual changes:

a. ERP

b. Worksite Hazard Assessment Form

c. Quarterly Inspection Form

d. PPE

3. Health and Safety Manual Website – Manual, Newsletters, OHS Newsletter, Health and Safety Meeting agenda and minutes

4. Fire Drill (blow horn) Break

5. Worksite Hazard Assessment Form Discussion:

a. Go through Deficiency/Hazard Terminology

b. Instructor / student interaction

i. Violence and Harassment

ii. Instructors changing students

iii. Student Complaints

c. General discussion on:

i. Slips, trips, and falls

ii. Violence and Harassment

iii. Right to Refuse Work

6. COR Questions – Tom, Wade, Bob

7. Hazard assessments and controls – general comments

8. Hazard assessment and controls – split into groups and go through

9. Discussion on how to contact H&S members

10. Questions, Concerns, etc.

9:00 AM – Thursday, JULY 21, 2022


1: Call to order.

2. Approval of agenda.

3; Review minutes of February 16, 2022 H&S Committee meeting.

Topics for discussion;

1; Report on progress of gleaning information from staff regarding upcoming COR Audit.

2; Clarify meaning of “INSPECTIONS” as indicated on AMTA –

”all levels included in inspection requirements”

New Business;

Commence planning of details for the General H&S Corporate meeting in September.

Duties to be assigned and items to be covered should be documented.


Select date for next H&S Committee meeting

9.;00 AM Thursday, June 16, 2022 at FSI Office.


1; Call to order.

2; Quarterly Facility Inspection.

3; OHS E-News

4: Track Safety discussion.

5: Questions and Answers for COR Audit interviews.

6: Webinar on OHS E-News.


Open discussion—–


Decide on date for next H & S Meeting?


9:00 AM Thursday APRIL 07, 2022


1: Call to order.

2. Approval of agenda.

3; Review minutes of February 16, 2022 H&S Committee meeting.

Topics for discussion;

1: Health & Safety Manual updates

2: COVID Procedures

3: First Aid Course

4; Health & Safety Staff meeting

5: Training Ideas.

New Business;


Select date for next H&S Committee meeting

9.;00 AM Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at FSI Offices.


1; Call to order.

2: Approval of Agenda- Add Changes or Additions.

3: Confirmation that FSI Workplace was inspected prior to meeting.

4: Review of minutes from January 26, 2022 meeting.


1: Review of designated tasks from last meeting and any changes that have been made.

2: Sign off on changes for implementation.

3: Ensure all employees and staff are notified of changes.

4: Confirm that training has been completed.


1: General Information.

2: Open discussion.

3: Assign duties required.

Date of next H&S Safety Committee meeting.