9:00 AM – Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at FSI Offices.

Present: Jackie Young, Wade Stewart, Daniel Young, Bob Chomany, Lynda Stewart, and Tom Shindruk.

Absent; Tim Goodrich.

Meeting commenced at 9;05 am.

The following activities and subjects were discussed;

1) Facility was inspected.

2) Review of Minutes from November 22, 2022.

3) Review of COR Action Plans were covered.

4) Vision, Mission Statement and Safety Policy update to be completed by Jackie Young

5) Formal Hazard Assessments- Correction and completion to be handled by Wade Stewart.

6) Communication with all parties, staff, and contractors, etc. to be developed and communicated by H&S Committee.

7) OH&S Code changes were covered.

8) Road Trips- discussion on traveling, arriving, and returning safely were covered.

9) Near Misses – all to be reported to any member of the Safety Committee or Management

New Business; TEAM BUILDING – Plans for developing a program and date to be planned by Management and Committee.

Suggested Date April 2023.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.

Next meeting — April 4, 2023.

F.S.I. conducted their Annual Health and Safety meeting on August 29, 2022, at the main office.

Present: Bob Chomany, Ahmed Elsayed, Daniel Young, Don Caponigro, Jackie Young, John McAfee, Les Atkinson, Lynda Stewart, Lynne Forde, Phil McCaig, Randy Flemmer, Ron Aman, Tim Nieuwdorp, Tim Goodrich, Todd Campbell, Wade Stewart, Wayne Strandberg, Jelena Cvijetic, Cindy Whale, Tom Shindruk

The following subjects and items were discussed as per the agenda.

1: Company update – details provided by Randy Flemmer of the company direction going forward. Online courses are being developed and the corporate division is looking like it is coming back, not as heavy as before COVID but the numbers are good.

2: Health and Safety Manual changes were covered in detail.

Changes were made and discussed regarding the ERP, Worksite Hazard Assessment Form, PPE. We reviewed the Quarterly Inspection Form, so all employees know when and what is done.

3: Health and Safety website, shared with attendees and included: Manual, Newsletters, Health & Safety Meeting Agendas and Minutes. It was also mentioned at this time that anyone from FSI can attend a meeting and make suggestions for items of discussion at these meetings.

4: Fire drill conducted at 10.27 am.

5: Worksite Hazard Assessment form was discussed in great detail and included the following items.

a) Discussed- Deficiency/Hazard Terminology.

b) Instructor-Student interaction.

c) Violence and Harassment.

d) Instructors changing students.

e) Student/Client complaints.

f) Slips, trips and falls.

g) Right to refuse work.

h) Hazard assessment and controls.

6: Considerable discussion conducted on the COR audit, possible COR questions, and to inform all the importance of knowing about the company’s Health and Safety, commitment to and everyone’s part in the Health and Safety.

7: Hazard Assessments and Controls: An explanation was given on what and how the Hazard Assessments and Controls were developed for each person/job within the company and what the meanings were for items such as H, S, Hazard Scale, Risk Scale, Controls being Eng., Admin., or PPE. This was done to ensure that when everyone went through their specific Hazard Assessments and Controls section, they understood everything in their section.

Everyone was split into their specific group for their section. This was done so they could go through their section with all involved and make any changes they felt were necessary and signed off on this.

8: Informed all on how to contact the Health and Safety Committee members and who are the members.

9: This meeting concluded with giving attendees time to ask any questions and voice any concerns.

Meeting was well attended, and all concerned went away with increased knowledge and Valuable information to keep all safe on the job.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Present: Wade Stewart, Jackie Young, Lynda Stewart, Bob Chomany and Tom Shindruk.

Meeting called to order at 9;05 AM, Agenda for today’s meeting and minutes of June 16th meeting were approved.

The following subjects were discussed:

1: Progress of replies to the Worker Interview Record were discussed. Response has been excellent, follow-up will be done to ensure we receive 100% response. Checks to be made for accuracy of answers.

2: Discussion was conducted about how many employees actually read the NEWS LETTER and/or go the company’s Website to keep up on the latest information and changes to policy.

3: Clarification was made to Hazard Assessment.

Formal Hazard Assessment – Written Statement.

Informal Hazard Assessment – Visual/Thought Process.

4: Worksite Hazard Assessment form was reviewed and the following changes were made:

Add- – – – Airborne Pathogen. Remove – Covid 19

Also discussed Instructor/Student interaction.

5: Quarterly Workplace Inspection form changes made.

6: Documentation/Evaluations of employees Classroom Instructors and in Vehicle Instructors will be conducted.

7: E.R.P Section 5.9

Lengthy discussions were held and the following changes were made;

Epidemics/Pandemics and Airborne Pathogens.

Changes made to Section 5.9.3 – in Natural Disasters in Corporate Guide.

Section 5.1.2 – PPE changes made.

Plans discussed for H&S Corporate Retreat.

a) Wade, Bob and Tom to present the COR Worker Interview Records. Hand-outs to be provided to each person attending for discussion on accurate comments to questions.

b) Videos to be shown. Timing and time slots allotted to each segment of the program were covered.

c) Discussed Webinars.

d) Information dissemination to be presented at retreat to ensure all staff get the details and pertinent information.

e) Workplace Hazard Assessment and controls to be included.


Pad Lock and sign at track to be changed. Ensure phone number is visible.

Next H&S Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Meeting adjourned at 12:00

Present: Wade Stewart, Jackie Young, Bob Chomany, Lynda Stewart and Tom Shindruk.

Meeting called to order at 9;01 AM.

Agenda, and minutes of previous meeting reviewed and approved.

The following items were addressed;

Quarterly workplace inspection conducted.

Discussed Webinar and OHS E-news.

Lengthy discussion on TRACK SAFETY, various scenarios were brought up and suggestions on ensuring that all driving coaches are adhering to proper safety as prescribed by FSI and the Law.

Completed plans for upcoming COR Audit, The work of distributing the

Q & A for the upcoming audit were decided and split into three series of questions to be sent to all staff requesting answer and a deadline set for the replies.

A Health and Safety Retreat is planned for FSI on August 30, 2022, plans to be formalized at a later date.

Next H&S meeting scheduled – Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 9;00 AM.

Meeting adjourned at 11.34 AM.

Present: Jackie Young, Wade Stewart, Bob Chomany, Tom Shindruk.Meeting called to order at 9;01 AM.

Regrets: Lynda Stewart.

Meeting called to order at 9;15 am.

Agenda and minutes reviewed and approved.

Quarterly Workplace inspection conducted by Bob and Tom.

The following items were addressed and completed.

1: H&S Manual updates are completed.

2: Covid procedures- Company to follow AHS rules or better and will adhere to clients’ requests.

3: First Aid courses to be taken as required.

4: H&S Staff meeting to be scheduled for a later date and all information in updates to Corporate Health and Safety Guide plus details for the upcoming COR Audit will be disseminated to all employees.

New Business:

Discussion conducted on trailer towing and training required by new instructors as well as using discretion when making decisions on using or not using skid vehicle on track when extremely icy.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 am.

Next meeting: June 16, 2022, at 9:00 am.

Meeting held at FSI Offices on February 16, 2022 at 9 am.

Present: Jackie Young, Wade Stweart, Bob Chomany, Lynda Stewart and Tom Shindruk.

Regrets ; None.

Meeting called to ordered at 9;00 am. Minutes of Jan 26 meeting read and approved.

Agenda was approved and the following items were discussed. (Agenda attached)

1: Workplace inspection was discussed and inspection duties assigned. (Bob and Tom to conduct the next inspection.)

2: Reviewed and designated tasks;

a) Hazard Assessment Controls – discussed and signed off – Feb 16, 2022

b) Health and Safety Policy – discussed and signed off – Feb 16, 2022

c) Violence and Harassment Policy – reviewed and documents and information to be gathered and implemented by next meeting.

d) Health and Safety Terms of Reference – reviewed and items covered – Final changes to be completed.

e) Final training of H&S Committee to be completed within the next week.

f) Company Covid Policy reviewed/discussed- and company will adhere to all current laws.

g) Information on all changes, rules on H&S policies be forwarded to all employees/staff.

h) Emergency Response Policy- Reviewed changes required. A.E.D., Fire Extinguishers and First Aid Kits to be placed in strategic locations in the building.

i) Provincial Safety Code, wording changes to be made- (Time sheet procedure) rewrite as of Feb 16, 2022.

j) Discussion on need of TRAILER TOWING training for several employees.

k) Decision made by all H&S Committee members that they will accept and carry out duties assigned.

Meeting adjourned at 11.50 AM

Next meeting to be held at 9;00 am on APRIL 13, 2022